Anyone who has attended a BMW Invasion event knows that they put on some of the best BMW shows in the country and the event in Orlando on Feb 19th was no exception. The INVA-SION crew has only been putting on shows since early 2020 and even with all the pandemic restricts still managed massive growth. This past event was one of their biggest to date with over seven hundred BMW owners participating and hundreds more attending to enjoy the show and community.

CSF Racing has been a big supporter of the BMW tuning community for many years and we jumped at the opportunity to fly out to Florida to meet the local community and visit some of our best business partners. We recorded the entire experience and put together a fun video that takes you through our dealer/shop visits and the show. You can check it out below on our YouTube Channel:

For our fans that prefer reading and looking at pictures, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

The full story:

Stop #1 – precision sport industries (PSI)

PSI has been a big supporter of CSF Racing for many years and we were really excited to stop by and check out their operation. Anyone who has been to PSI’s shop knows they do some amazing work. In their garage they had a huge range of BMW’s and even a track prepped 997 GT3 RS. One of the most exciting things going on at PSI though is their testing of a prototype CSF Heat Exchanger for the G8X M3/M4 (hoping to have this product released by May 2022). Some of you may have seen their pink (Ruby Stone) wrapped G80 M3 on social media and you can see our cooler peaking through those new Vorsteiner grilles.

This M3 is an absolute show stopper and definitely drew a ton of attention at the show.

Stop #2 – EuroCharged Orlando

Just like the name implies, Eurocharged is all about performance. They specialize in performance tuning for European models and do a ton of work on BMW and Mercedes. Naturally, they use a lot of our products to keep things cool while they bring the heat. They have actually been one of our biggest dealers for our new Mercedes-Benz Cooling line and have installed countless heat exchangers to help their AMG customers cool in the year round Florida heat and humidity.

The quality and reliability of CSF Cooling products keeps their customers happy in the hot Florida weather. If you’ve spend much time on our site or social media pages, you’ve doubtlessly seen some of their builds.

With great power comes great need for cooling…or something like that.

Stop #3 – Auto Tuning house

Auto Tuning House Orlando Florida BMWs

Auto Tuning House has been a steady dealer of CSF for years, but with a large BMW customer base that comes as no huge surprise. They did recent pick up a yellow A90 Supra as a shop car so we are looking forward to working with them as they really dive into their build. While we didn’t get to spend much time there due to their busy shop schedule, we were impressed by many of the cars they were working on.

STOP #4 – Real Street Performance

Probably one of the coolest performance shops we have ever seen, Real St. does everything on another level. They offer everything from bolt on performance to full race built engines. They have a huge facility dedicated to maximum performance for all sorts of toys. One of their specialties is streetable drag builds and they’ve been relying CSF Cooling for so many of them we couldn’t help but stop by.

Stop #5 – TITAN Motorsports

Titan Motorsports Supras

Titan Motorsports was not only the CSF Dealer of the Year for 2021, they were also a design partner for the B58 Super Manifold which has been a huge success in the BMW & A90 Supra scene. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last couple years, you already know the B58 motor is probably the biggest tuning hit to come out Bavaria since the N54. Titan Motorsports has sold and installed so many of the CSF Super Manifolds and multipiece cooling packages, there’s no question their are the best place to go for B58 tuning.

The crew at Titan Motorsports had some amazing examples of our B58 cooling product to bring to show and/or being worked on at the shop.

The white Supra has our full 5-Piece cooling kit installed and really keep the engine temps in check on the drag strip. We actually filled a full feature video with this Supra so keep your eyes out for that in the coming weeks. The blue Supra has our 8200 manifold custom finish in blue installed with port injection and a wire tuck for a clean look. The grey M340i has our 8200 manifold custom finished in Fire Orange with an OEM Style install using the supplied hardware in the kit. The custom red 8200 manifold is currently being installed on a Supra that is soon to be debuted featuring the available Nitrous Express Kit.

CSF loves seeing different examples of our products installed on different cars because we know how much it can inspire different build ideas and gives enthusiasts a better mental picture.

Final Stop – bmw invasion

Taking place at Dezerland Park, the show kicked off with a massive roll-in. If you’ve never been at a show early enough to see this, it’s quite amazing. Hundreds of beautifully built or beastly tuned BMWs can really get the blood pumping.

We were quite happy with the CSF booth and cars we had representing the brand. We had some heavy weights in the mix like NightfallM4‘s Widebody F82 M4 featuring our F8X Charge-Air-Cooler and Front Mount Heat Exchanger & Patrick Swindle’s F92 M8 featuring our F9X Charge-Air-Coolers. The rest of the booth was filled out with the cars from Titan Motorsports that we got to check out at the shop. All featuring parts from our B58 cooling lineup.

Event Photos courtesy of

After setup, we got a chance to walk around and check out all the amazing builds. We were blown away by how much love and support there was for CSF. We wish we could share all the cars we saw rocking our parts, but unfortunately we did get pictures of them all and we’d probably run out of space in this blog.


The F1X turnout was quite impressive. We saw some beautiful examples of our F1X Charge-Air-Coolers with custom finishes. Vehiclevirals Silver M5 had a cool contrast with Gold for the engine bay while the M6’s elected for the color matching style.

The F8X was probably the strongest turn out in CSF representation. We saw so many F8X Charge-Air-Coolers, it was a true testament to how many owners trust the cooling of their M-Cars to CSF. We are truly humbled and honored by that. Sadly, we only managed to get our hands on a few photos.

To our great pleasure, we actually rand into bam_m2c at the BBS both who was the winner of our 2021 BMW Summer Takeover give away. Needless to say, his M2 Competition was looking better than ever. The Teal M3 had a super cool custom finish on his Charge-Air-Cooler that was color matched with ///M color pin stripes. Definitely a show stopper. We aren’t snobs for custom colors only though. We saw some beautiful and tasteful setups with the standard crinkle black finish that we nicely accented with with other pops of color in the engine bay.

the cool down

Like all good things, the show had to come to and end. This was an absolutely amazing experience for the team at CSF and we look forward to more BMW Invasion shows in the future. We hope you all enjoy the videos and photos as much as we did and look forward to our next trip to Florida.

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