Warriors, come out and play!!! This past weekend was all about the #CSFEVOX. Just to re-cap the schedule, 2 separate photo/video shoots on Friday, Saturday was Mitsubishi Owners Day 2018 (MOD) in the morning, Spocom Los Angeles Saturday evening and Monday destination photo shoot for SuperStreet with the infamous Larry Chen.
Let’s begin with with the first photo and video shoot with RJ (bred_x). RJ is an Evo enthusiast that has a keen eye when it comes to shooting them. His passion for Evo’s along with his roller skating skills really sets him apart from his competition. He definitely went all out for this shoot.Check out his amazing video and a few BTS shots below.
Next up to shoot the Evo X is Viktor Benyi. He’s known for his publications and photos for various magazines. He recently shot CSF’s BMW M5 that will be published in a few BMW magazines distributed here in the US and across the pond. Now he’s back for seconds with the Evo X. Here’s a few BTS shots from his shoot, links for the publications will be uploaded as soon as it’s available so check back soon for more coverage.
After a late night with Viktor and RJ, we had an early call time to set up for Mitsubishi Owner’s Day (MOD) 2018. This is a great event to attend if you are a Mitsubishi Fan Boy/Girl, especially for those EVO enthusiasts. From old to new, there was a wide variety of Mitsubishi’s to check out. The vendor row was busy with spectators checking out all the nice display vehicles. Road Race Engineering brought out their mobile dyno and held a competition on who can throw down the highest HP. MOD had activities for all ages to enjoy including a half-pipe / mini skate park to watch some pro skaters and bicyclists do their thing. If you aren’t into any of those things, the event was catered by In-N-Out, so if you were dragged along by your significant other, at least you got a chance to chow down on some good food.
Once MOD ended, we packed up and headed down the street to the Anaheim Convention center to load in for Spocom 2018. We were looking forward to spending the rest of the day indoor as it was a typical hot summer day and we were pretty much over the heat from MOD. One of the main things we like about Spocom aside from the wide variety of cars on display, is we get to see and catch up with some of our good friends and partners we work with in the industry. Our good friend Sergio, (@that_red_evoix) was gracious enough show his stunning Evo IX alongside our Evo X for both MOD and Spocom. There were some really nice cars this year. The show competition was pretty stiff as we entered the CSF Evo X for judging. Unfortunately, we did not place in any categories at all. Nonetheless, we had a great time and we want to give the Spocom gang a big shout out for having us. Check out a few shots of our booth and a few rides cooled by CSF at the Spocom 2018 show. Sergio’s Evo IX was also featured on Super Street, click here to see the article.
Last, but definitely not least, one of the main events that we’ve been looking forward to for a long time is a photo op with the infamous Larry Chen (@larry_chen_foto). Once we got word that Larry will be shooting the Evo X for SuperStreet magazine, we couldn’t wait. He contacted us the day before to let us know that we will be shooting the car at the sand dunes of Glamis. Our first thought was, “It’s going to be SO HOT, wth!” But considering it’s Larry Chen, we’d go anywhere for him to shoot our car. The shoot was phenomenal, the views were breathtaking and the sunset was beautiful. What a way to cap off the long weekend. Be on the lookout for the upcoming SuperStreet magazine featuring the CSF Evo X. Here’s a few pics we snapped from Glamis.
It was definitely an action-packed weekend with all the events. A huge thanks to everyone our came out to the shows and passed by our booth to check out the Evo X. Shout out to RJ, Viktor and Larry who are true masters of their craft. We can’t wait for all the footage to be published and released. Stay tuned, as we will update this blog with the information as we receive them.
And here’s a great walk-around video of the #CSFevoX with our tire partners Toyo Tires.
It’s time to get some R&R after that super busy weekend! Until next time, stay cool!