The time of the year has come, the last weekend of April 2019. The hot spring sun steams up Coalinga California’s farmland, hosting Motovicity Distribution’s second annual Never Lift Half-Mile race ran by Shift S3ctor. Held at the Municipal Airport of Coalinga, providing 2,640 feet of clean, paved airstrip runway for drivers to go side by side and put it all on the line in a half-mile race for the highest trap speed. Each competing driver had a chance to win a piece of the $38,500 in total prize money over the entire weekend. This event attracted quite a number of cars, “flying” over 200+ MPH to earn bragging rights and some dough. CSF continued to be a supporting vendor and sponsor of the event as Motovicity Distribution is one of CSF’s largest distributors. With supporting previous events through the years, CSF is glad the relationship can help grow these types of grass-roots motorsports by not only attending as a vendor but by bringing three cars to compete. As the race weekend approached, the CSF gang packed the sunblock, locked & loaded the racecars in the trailers, and joined in on the fun.
This was my first time attending a half-mile race event, extremely excited as all my previous experiences at the track were in grassroots time-attack and drifting. A truly different beast from momentum driving around a track and needing thousands of horsepower to go in a straight line with a parachute to slow you down, and I was all for it! This would be CSF’s first debut of the new project car, a 2014 991 Porsche Turbo S, pushing 1,000hp on E85 equipped with the World’s Best Porsche 991 Turbo intercoolers (CSF#8112) paired with the World’s Best All-Aluminum Porsche 991 Turbo radiators (CSF#7069, CSF#7070, CSF7068). There was a lot to prove with a littered staging area of other competing 991 Turbo S’ trying to get the fastest speed. The CSF 991 Turbo S had the highest speed in the German Car class with 186.03 MPH. The CSF BMW F10 M5 was also in the runnings, equipped with the CSF upgraded Twin Charge-Air-Cooler set(CSF#8109). Putting down 620hp, it was a fun sedan ride-along car for the weekend for friends and fans. The almighty CSF EvoX made a justified comeback. Last year’s competition brought some issues for the EvoX, cutting the weekend short only after 1 pass. With resolved fuel system hiccups and correct aero components, the EvoX was determined to be uninterrupted in its performance with the help of on-site tuning from our partners at 5150 Racing.
CSF showcased 3 weapons of choice alongside the vehicle pre-staging grid for competition. The 2010 686whp fully built EvoX monster, 2015 BMW F10 M5 with 620 WHP and the newest addition to the lineup, the 2014 991 Porsche Turbo S with 1,000 WHP.
Waking up shortly after sunrise, with a food baby of Harris Ranch’s best grass-fed steaks still settling down, it was time to hit the airstrip. Crusty eyes and yawning mouths didn’t last long when race cars started to make their way off the trailers. Rotary Rx7’s, E85 burning, 1,000 hp builds struggling on a cold start and the clicking of torque wrenches made up some of the extreme sensations before the gates opened to the public. The Never Lift Half Mile event is filled with vehicles across all spectrums and was a bit refreshing to see the high horsepower diversity between old model Frankenstein builds to the latest in modified exotics and supercars. Sit on the spectators’ bleachers and witness an 800hp PT Cruiser fly by the speed trap or on the next run, stretch your neck following a 3 million dollar Bugatti Chiron going 200 mph.
As the races continued, I strolled the pits in search of other CSF cooled race cars and struck conversations with many other drivers in the process all too happy to tell me a little about their story and their cars. Teenagers driving from Oregon to compete with a friends Mazda 3, surviving with what looked to be only pringles and Gatorade as the 3 of them slept in the same car overnight. A guy with a supercharged 2017 Audi R8 that was letting his friends enjoy the driving experiences for the weekend. Two brothers that have been building their air-loom MK4 Supra inherited from their father after he had passed, trying to hit 200+ mph. This is what grassroots racing events are all about!
I came across the English Racing trailer and noticed this yellow Evo that was trapping 175mph at the half-mile had the CSF ultimate cooling package. Belonging to Joseph Nacion @NSXY_Joe, he is the first owner of the car and has built it to be a tribute to his father Dr. Joseph Nacion. An English Racing 2.4L long block, 64mm turbo running on 39lbs of boost making 857 WHP and 679 ft-lbs of torque COOLED CSF’s Ultimate EVO Full-Slim Evo 7/8/9 radiator (CSF#7075)
Omran’s (@Squezher) F10 M5 was keeping cool in the heat with CSF’s upgraded Twin Charge-Air-Cooler set(CSF#8109) bringing his highest trap speed from 155mph to a 164mph pass with switching from 91 octane fuel and base map to high octane fuel and performance map.
CSF’s trusted media partners SpeedHunters also covered the event and were able to capture some of the amazing details on the CSF 991 Turbo S after a day of racing.
The weekend came to a close with many sun burns and tired smiles on all of the participants’ faces. We loaded the cars back up with the final results of the cars we brought.
CSF 991 Turbo S: 186MPH – Fastest German car on the west.
CSF BMW F10 M5: 154MPH
CSF Evo X: 154MPH
Congratulations to all of the winning competitors and Motovicity for another successful event! Till next time – Stay COOL!
For additional coverage and more amazing photos of the event, visit our media partner SpeedHunters. Shout out to James Lipman for flying himself in and capturing some epic photos of the Never Lift 2019 event. Check out some of the galleries here.
Speed Hunters – Never Lift Day One
Speed Hunters – Photo Set